
Installing kube-prometheus-stack in the same Kubernetes cluster that hosts the Seldon Enterprise Platform.

kube-prometheus, also known as Prometheus Operator, is a popular open-source project that provides complete monitoring and alerting solutions for Kubernetes clusters. It combines tools and components to create a monitoring stack for Kubernetes environments.

Note: Always install Prometheus within the same Kubernetes cluster as the Seldon Enterprise Platform.

The Seldon Enterprise Platform, along with any deployed models, automatically exposes metrics to Prometheus. By default, certain alerting rules are pre-configured, and an alertmanager instance is included.

You can install kube-prometheus to monitor Seldon components, and ensure that the appropriate ServiceMonitors are in place for Seldon deployments. The analytics component is configured with the Prometheus integration. The monitoring for Seldon Enterprise Platform is based on the Prometheus Operator and the related PodMonitor and PrometheusRule resources.

Monitoring the model deployments in Seldon Enterprise Platform involves:


  1. Install Docker

Installing kube-prometheus

  1. Download the seldon-deploy-install.tar file that contains required installation resources. For example, to download the installation resources for version 2.4.0 of Seldon Enterprise Platform run the following:

    TAG=2.4.0 && \
     docker create --name=tmp-sd-container seldonio/seldon-deploy-server:2.4.0 && \
     docker cp tmp-sd-container:/seldon-deploy-dist/seldon-deploy-install.tar.gz . && \
     docker rm -v tmp-sd-container
  2. Extract the contents of the seldon-deploy-install.tar file.

    tar -xzf seldon-deploy-install.tar.gz
  3. Create a namespace for the monitoring components of Seldon Enterprise Platform.

    kubectl create ns seldon-monitoring || echo "Namespace seldon-monitoring already exists"
  4. Create a YAML file to specify the initial configuration. For example, create the prometheus-values.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

    fullnameOverride: seldon-monitoring
        metric-labels-allowlist: pods=[*]

    Note: Make sure to include metric-labels-allowlist: pods=[*] in the Helm values file. If you are using your own Prometheus Operator installation, ensure that the pods labels, particularly, are part of the collected metrics. These labels are essential for calculating deployment usage rules.

  5. Change to the directory that contains the prometheus-values file and run the following command to install version 9.5.12 of kube-prometheus.

    helm upgrade --install prometheus kube-prometheus \
     --version 9.5.12 \
     --namespace seldon-monitoring \
     --values prometheus-values.yaml \

    When the installation is complete, you should see this:

    WARNING: There are "resources" sections in the chart not set. Using "resourcesPreset" is not recommended for production. For production installations, please set the following values according to your workload needs:
      - alertmanager.resources
      - blackboxExporter.resources
      - operator.resources
      - prometheus.resources
      - prometheus.thanos.resources
  6. Check the status of the installation.

    kubectl rollout status -n seldon-monitoring deployment/seldon-monitoring-operator

    When the installation is complete, you should see this:

    Waiting for deployment "seldon-monitoring-operator" rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
    deployment "seldon-monitoring-operator" successfully rolled out

Configuring monitoring for Seldon Enterprise Platform

  1. To configure monitoring create a dedicated PodMonitor and PrometheusRule resources. Copy the installation resource files from the seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/ directory to the current directory.

    cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/seldon-monitor.yaml seldon-monitor.yaml
    cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/drift-monitor.yaml drift-monitor.yaml
    cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/deploy-monitor.yaml deploy-monitor.yaml
    cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/metrics-server-monitor.yaml metrics-server-monitor.yaml
    cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/deployment-usage-rules.yaml deployment-usage-rules.yaml
  2. Apply the configurations to the Kubernetes cluster that is running the Seldon Enterprise Platform.

    kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f seldon-monitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f drift-monitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f deploy-monitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f metrics-server-monitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment-usage-rules.yaml -n seldon-monitoring

    When the configuration is complete, you should see this: created created created created created
  3. You can access Prometheus from outside the cluster by running the following commands:

    echo "Prometheus URL:"
    kubectl port-forward --namespace seldon-monitoring svc/seldon-monitoring-prometheus 9090:9090
  4. You can access Alertmanager from outside the cluster by running the following commands:

    echo "Alertmanager URL:"
    kubectl port-forward --namespace seldon-monitoring svc/seldon-monitoring-alertmanager 9093:9093
  5. Add the following to your install-values.yamlfile.

       namespaceMetricName: namespace
       activeModelsNamespaceMetricName: exported_namespace
       serviceMetricName: service
       url: http://seldon-monitoring-prometheus.seldon-monitoring:9090/api/v1/
      ALERTMANAGER_URL: http://seldon-monitoring-alertmanager.seldon-monitoring:9093/api/v1/alerts   
  6. Configure metrics collection by creating the following PodMonitor resources.

    kubectl apply -f ${PODMONITOR_RESOURCE_LOCATION}/agent-podmonitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ${PODMONITOR_RESOURCE_LOCATION}/envoy-servicemonitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ${PODMONITOR_RESOURCE_LOCATION}/pipelinegateway-podmonitor.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ${PODMONITOR_RESOURCE_LOCATION}/server-podmonitor.yaml

    When the resources are created, you should see this: created created created created
  7. Change to the directory that contains the install-values.yaml file and then upgrade the Seldon Enterprise Platform installation in the namespace seldon-system.

    helm upgrade seldon-enterprise seldon-charts/seldon-deploy --namespace seldon-system  -f install-values.yaml --version 2.4.0 --install
  8. Check the status of the installation seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy.

    kubectl rollout status deployment/seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy -n seldon-system

    When the installation is complete you should see this:

    deployment "seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy" successfully rolled out
  9. Access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

  1. Get the Pod that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform in the cluster and save it as $POD_NAME.

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  2. You can use port-forwarding to access your application locally.

    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  3. Open your browser and navigate to to access Seldon Enterprise Platform.


You may now be able to check the status of Seldon components in Prometheus:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to to access Prometheus UI from outside the cluster.

  2. Go to Status and select Targets.

The status of all the endpoints and the scrape details are displayed.

Last updated

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