Text Generation with Custom HuggingFace Model
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Last updated
This demo helps you learn about:
Launching a pre trained custom text generation HuggingFace model in a Seldon Pipeline
Sending a text input request to get a generated text prediction
The custom HuggingFace text generation model is based on the TinyStories-1M model in the HuggingFace hub.
In the Overview page click Create new deployment.
Enter the deployment details as follows:
Name: hf-custom-tiny-stories
Namespace: seldon
Type: Seldon ML Pipeline
Configure the default predictor as follows:
Runtime: HuggingFace
Model Project: default
Model URI: gs://seldon-models/scv2/samples/mlserver_1.6.0/huggingface-text-gen-custom-tiny-stories
Storage Secret: (leave blank/none)
Click Next for the remaining steps and click Launch.
When the deployment is launched successfully, the status of the deployment becomes Available
Click the hf-custom-tiny-stories
deployment that you created.
In the deployment Dashboard page , click Predict in the left pane.
In the Predict REST API dialog, click Enter JSON and paste the following text:
Click Predict.
Try other demos or try a larger-scale model. You can find one in gs://seldon-models/scv2/samples/mlserver_1.6.0/huggingface-text-gen-custom-gpt2
. However, you may need to request more memory.