
Learn about installing Istio ingress controller in a Kubernetes cluster running Seldon Enterprise Platform.

Istio implements the Kubernetes ingress resource to expose a service and make it accessible from outside the cluster. You can install Istio in either a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster or a managed Kubernetes service provided by a cloud provider that is running the Seldon Enterprise Platform.


Installing Istio ingress controller

Installing Istio ingress controller in a Kubernetes cluster running Seldon Enterprise Platform involves these tasks:

Install Istio

  1. Download the Istio installation package for the version you want to use. In the following command replace <version> with the version of Istio that you downloaded:

    curl -L | sh -
    cd istio-<version>
    export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
  2. Install the Istio Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and Istio components in your cluster using the istioctl command line tool:

    istioctl install --set profile=default -y
  3. Create a namespace where you want to enable Istio automatic sidecar injection. For example in the namespace istio-system:

    kubectl label namespace istio-system istio-injection=enabled

Install Istio Ingress Gateway

  1. Verify that Istio Ingress Gateway is installed:

    kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system

    This should return details of the Istio Ingress Gateway, including the external IP address.

  2. Create a YAML file to specify Gateway resource in the istio-system namespace to expose your application. For example, create the istio-seldon-gateway.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

     kind: Gateway
       name: my-gateway
       namespace: istio-system
         istio: ingressgateway # Use Istio's default ingress gateway
       - port:
           number: 80
           name: http
           protocol: HTTP
         - "*"
  3. Change to the directory that contains istio-seldon-gateway.yaml file and apply the configuration:

    kubectl apply -f istio-seldon-gateway.yaml

    When the configuration is applied, you should see this: created
  4. Find the IP address of the Seldon Enterprise Platform instance running with Istio:

    ISTIO_INGRESS=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
    ISTIO_INGRESS+=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
    echo "Seldon Enterprise Platform: http://$ISTIO_INGRESS/seldon-deploy/"

    Make a note of the IP address that is displayed in the output.

Expose Seldon mesh service

It is important to expose seldon-service service to enable communication between deployed machine learning models and external clients or services. The Seldon Core 2 inference API is exposed through the seldon-mesh service in the seldon namespace. If you install Core 2 in multiple namespaces, you need to expose the seldon-mesh service in each of namespace.

  1. Verify if the seldon-mesh service is running for example, in the namespace seldon.

    kubectl get svc -n seldon

    When the services are running you should see something similar to this:

    mlserver-0               ClusterIP      None             <none>          9000/TCP,9500/TCP,9005/TCP                                                                  43m
    seldon-mesh              LoadBalancer    80:32228/TCP,9003:31265/TCP                                                                 45m
    seldon-pipelinegateway   ClusterIP      None             <none>          9010/TCP,9011/TCP                                                                           45m
    seldon-scheduler         LoadBalancer   9002:32099/TCP,9004:32100/TCP,9044:30342/TCP,9005:30473/TCP,9055:32732/TCP,9008:32716/TCP   45m
    triton-0                 ClusterIP      None             <none>          9000/TCP,9500/TCP,9005/TCP 
  2. Create a YAML file to create a VirtualService Seldon Core 2 seldon-mesh. For example, create the seldon-mesh-vs.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

    kind: VirtualService
      name: seldon-mesh
      namespace: seldon
        - istio-system/seldon-gateway
        - "*"
        - name: "data-plane-seldon"
            - authority:
                exact: "seldon.inference.seldon"
            - destination:
                host: "seldon-mesh.seldon.svc.cluster.local"
                 number: 80
      - name: "control-plane-seldon"
          - authority:
              exact: "seldon.admin.seldon"
          - destination:
              host: "seldon-scheduler.seldon.svc.cluster.local"
                number: 9004
  3. Create a virtual service to expose the seldon-mesh service.

    kubectl apply -f seldon-mesh-vs.yaml

    When the virtual service is created, you should see this: created

Install Seldon Enterprise Platform with Istio ingress controller

  1. Update the configurations in the install-values.yaml file you created during the Seldon Enterprise installation. Replace <ip_address> with the IP address noted during the Istio Ingress Gateway installation in the following values and save the file:

      seldonIngressService: "istio-ingressgateway"
      ingressNamespace: "istio-system"
      create: true
        - istio-system/seldon-gateway
      curlForm: |
        curl -k https://<ip_address>/seldon/{{ .Namespace }}/{{ .ModelName }}/api/v0.1/predictions \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "{{ .TokenHeader }}: {{ .Token }}" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "Content-Type: application/json" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-d '{{ .Payload }}'
      tensorFlowCurlForm: |
        curl -k https://<ip_address>/seldon/{{ .Namespace }}/{{ .ModelName }}/v1/models/:predict \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "{{ .TokenHeader }}: {{ .Token }}" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "Content-Type: application/json" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-d '{{ .Payload }}'
      curlForm: |
        curl -k https://<ip_address>/v2/models/{{ .ModelName }}/infer \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "Host: {{ .Namespace }}.inference.seldon" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "Content-Type: application/json" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-H "Seldon-Model: {{ .ModelName }}.pipeline" \<br/>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;-d '{{ .Payload }}'
      enabled: true
      requestForm: '{{ .SeldonProtocol }}://seldon-mesh.{{ .Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local/v2/pipelines/{{
        .ModelName }}/infer'
  2. Change to the directory that contains the install-values.yaml file and then upgrade the Seldon Enterprise Platform installation in the namespace seldon-system.

    helm upgrade seldon-enterprise seldon-charts/seldon-deploy --namespace seldon-system  -f install-values.yaml --version 2.4.0 --install
  3. Check the status of the installation seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy.

    kubectl rollout status deployment/seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy -n seldon-system

    When the installation is complete you should see this:

    deployment "seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy" successfully rolled out
  4. Access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

  1. Get the Pod that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform in the cluster and save it as $POD_NAME.

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  2. You can use port-forwarding to access your application locally.

    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  3. Open your browser and navigate to to access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

Optional: Enable HTTPS/TLS

To secure your Ingress with HTTPS, you can configure TLS settings in the Gateway resource using a certificate and key. This involves additional steps like creating Kubernetes secrets for your certificates.

Additional Resources

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