
Installing kube-prometheus-stack in the same Kubernetes cluster that hosts the Seldon Enterprise Platform.

The Seldon Enterprise Platform, along with any deployed models, automatically exposes metrics to Prometheus. By default, certain alerting rules are pre-configured, and an alertmanager instance is included.

You can configure Alertmanager to send alerts through email or Slack. It can also be integrated into an incident response tool. To receive alerts when using Seldon Enterprise Platform you need to:


Configuring alerts in Seldon Enterprise Manager

  1. To configure default alerting rules, copy the installation resource files from the seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/ directory to the current directory. To configure custom alerts, see the custom alerts section.

     cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/user-alerts.yaml user-alerts.yaml
     cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/infra-alerts.yaml infra-alerts.yaml
     cp seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/drift-alerts.yaml drift-alerts.yaml
  2. Apply the configurations to the Kubernetes cluster that is running the Seldon Enterprise Platform.

     kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f infra-alerts.yaml
     kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f user-alerts.yaml
     kubectl apply -n seldon-monitoring -f drift-alerts.yaml

    When the configuration is complete, you should see this: created created created
  3. Create a YAML file to specify the initial configuration. For example, create the alertmanager.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: alertmanager-seldon-monitoring-alertmanager
      alertmanager.yaml: |
          - name: default-receiver
          - name: deploy-webhook
              - url: "http://seldon-deploy.seldon-system:80/seldon-deploy/api/v1alpha1/webhooks/firing-alert"
          group_wait: 10s
          group_by: ['alertname']
          group_interval: 5m
          receiver: default-receiver
          repeat_interval: 3h
            - receiver: deploy-webhook
                - severity =~ "warning|critical"
                - type =~ "user|infra"

    For more information about configuring alerts during authetication, see Authentication alerts section.

  4. Apply the Altermanager configurations in the Kubernetes cluster that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform:

    kubectl delete secret -n seldon-monitoring alertmanager-seldon-monitoring-alertmanager || echo "Does not yet exist"
    kubectl apply -f alertmanager.yaml -n seldon-monitoring

    When the configurations are applied, you should see this:

    secret "alertmanager-seldon-monitoring-alertmanager" deleted
    secret/alertmanager-seldon-monitoring-alertmanager created
  5. You can access Alertmanager from outside the cluster by running the following commands:

    echo "Alertmanager URL:"
    kubectl port-forward --namespace seldon-monitoring svc/seldon-monitoring-alertmanager 9093:9093
  6. Access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

  1. Get the Pod that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform in the cluster and save it as $POD_NAME.

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  2. You can use port-forwarding to access your application locally.

    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  3. Open your browser and navigate to to access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

Custom alerts

You can also define your own custom alerting rules in Prometheus.

  1. Create a file called custom-alert.yaml that contains your new rules. You can find some examples in the file user-alerts.yaml file located in the seldon-deploy-install/reference-configuration/metrics/ folder.

  2. Apply the alerts using:

    kubectl create -f custom-alert.yaml

Authentication alerts

  • If you are using App Level Authentication you need to add http_config in the webhook_configs section of alertmanager.yaml. This needs a client that has been configured to access the Seldon Enterprise Platform API. The token_url value may vary, depending on your OIDC provider.

      - url: "http://seldon-deploy.seldon-system:80/seldon-deploy/api/v1alpha1/webhooks/firing-alert"
            client_id: "${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}"
            client_secret: "${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}"
            scopes: [openid]
            token_url: "${OIDC_HOST}/auth/realms/${OIDC_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token"
            # Note: only needed if using a self-signed certificate on your OIDC provider
              insecure_skip_verify: true
  • If you are using a self-signed certificate on your OIDC provider then you need to set insecure_skip_verify in the tls_config of the oauth2 block. Alternatively, you can mount your CA certificate onto the Alertmanager instance to validate the server certificate using ca_file. For more information see, the Prometheus documentation.

Integrating into an incident response tool

You can integrate the alerts that you configured in Seldon Enterprise Platform with various alert notification tools such as PagerDuty or Opsgenie.


You may now be able to check the alerts that you configured in Alertmanager:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to to access Alertmanager UI from outside the cluster.

  2. Go to Alerts and check if any alert rules that are listed in Prometheus are tiggered.

If any of the alert rules are triggered then those alerts are displayed.

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