Self-hosted PostgreSQL

Installing PostgreSQL in the same Kubernetes cluster that hosts the Seldon Enterprise Platform.You can run PostgreSQL in the same Kubernetes cluster that hosts the Seldon Enterprise Platform. We recommend using the Zalando PostgreSQL operator for managing PostgreSQL installation and maintenance. Refer to their installation matrix for details about the supported PostgreSQL releases.

  1. Install Git.

Installing PostgreSQL in a Kubernetes cluster

  1. Clone the Zalando operator repository in your computer.

    git clone
  2. Change to the postgres-operatordirectory.

    cd postgres-operator
  3. Create a namespace where you want to install PostgreSQL. For example the name space postgres:

    kubectl create namespace postgres || echo "namespace postgres exists"
  4. Install PostgreSQL using the Helm charts.

    helm install postgres-operator ./charts/postgres-operator --namespace   postgres

    After a successful installation, you should see::

    NAME: postgres-operator 
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug 13 15:22:02 2024
    NAMESPACE: postgres
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    NOTES: To verify that postgres-operator has started, run:
    kubectl --namespace=postgres get pods -l ""
  5. To install a minimal PostgreSQL setup in the Kubernetes cluster, execute the following:

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: postgresql
      name: seldon-metadata-storage
      namespace: postgres
      teamId: "seldon"
        size: 5Gi
      numberOfInstances: 2
        seldon:  # database owner
        - superuser
        - createdb
        metadata: seldon  # dbname: owner
        version: "15"

    If you would like to install a more complex setup with additional users, databases, replicas, and others see the official documentation of Zalando operator.

  6. Verify if the postgres-operator Pod is running.

    kubectl --namespace=postgres get pods -l ""
  7. Create the required secret using the auto-generated password:

    kubectl get secret -n postgres -o 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -d > db_pass
    kubectl create secret generic -n seldon-system metadata-postgres \
      --from-literal=user=seldon \
      --from-file=password=./db_pass \
      --from-literal=host=seldon-metadata-storage.postgres.svc.cluster.local \
      --from-literal=port=5432 \
      --from-literal=dbname=metadata \
      --from-literal=sslmode=require \
      --dry-run=client -o yaml \
      | kubectl apply -n seldon-system -f -
    rm db_pass

    After a successful configuration, you should see: secret/metadata-postgres configured

  8. View the password that you created to access PostgreSQL database:

    kubectl get secret metadata-postgres -n seldon-system -o 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -d  
  9. After the PostgreSQL database and secrets with credentials are ready, add the following to your install-values.yamlfile.

       enabled: true
       secret: metadata-postgres
       clientTLSSecret: "postgres-client-certs"  # Optional, only needed for SSL verification
  10. Change to the directory that contains the install-values.yaml file and then upgrade the Seldon Enterprise Platform installation in the namespace seldon-system.

    helm upgrade seldon-enterprise seldon-charts/seldon-deploy --namespace seldon-system -f install-values.yaml --version 2.4.0 --install
  11. Check the status of the installation seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy.

    kubectl rollout status deployment/seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy -n seldon-system

    When the installation is complete you should see this:

    deployment "seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy" successfully rolled out
  12. Access Seldon Enterprise Platform.

  1. Get the Pod that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform in the cluster and save it as $POD_NAME.

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  1. You can use port-forwarding to access your application locally.

kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  1. Open your browser and navigate to to access Seldon Enterprise Platform.


You may now explore the Model Catalog feature in Seldon Enterprise Platform.

Last updated

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