Learning Environment

Installing Seldon Enterprise Platform in a learning environment.

You can install Seldon Enterprise Platform on your local computer that is running a Kubernetes cluster using kind.

Note: These instructions guide you through installing the Seldon Enterprise Platform on a local Kubernetes cluster, focusing on ease of learning. Ensure your kind cluster is running on hardware with at least 32GB of RAM. For installing Seldon Enterprise Platform in a production environment, see cluster requirements.

To install Seldon Enterprise Platform and Seldon Core 2 ecosystem components:


  • Install a Kubernetes cluster that is running version 1.23 or later.

  • Install kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool.

  • Install Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes.

  • Seldon Enterprise Platform license key. You can reach out to Seldon support team to get a trial license key.

Creating Namespaces

  • Create a namespace to contain the main components of Seldon. For example, create the namespace seldon-system:

    kubectl create ns seldon-system || echo "Namespace seldon-system already exists"
  • Create a namespace to contain Kafka. For example, create the namespace kafka:

    kubectl create ns kafka || echo "Namespace kafka already exists"
  • Create a namespace to contain the components related to request logging. For example, create the namespace seldon-logs:

    kubectl create ns seldon-logs || echo "Namespace seldon-logs already exists"
  • Create a namespace that is accessible by Seldon Enterprise Platform, Seldon Core 2 runtime that defines core components required in each model, and Seldon Core 2 pre-configured servers to host the models. For example, create the namespace seldon:

    kubectl create ns seldon || echo "Namespace seldon already exists"
  • Annotate the namespace seldon so that it is accessible in the Seldon Enterprise Platform UI:

    kubectl label ns seldon seldon.restricted=false --overwrite=true

Installing Seldon Core 2

  1. Add and update the Helm charts seldon-charts to the repository.

    helm repo add seldon-charts https://seldonio.github.io/helm-charts/
    helm repo update seldon-charts
  2. Install Custom resource definitions for Seldon Core 2.

    helm upgrade seldon-core-v2-crds seldon-charts/seldon-core-v2-crds \
    --version 2.8.5 \
    --namespace default \
  3. Create a YAML file to specify the initial configuration for Seldon Core 2 Operator. For example, create the components-values.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

      clusterwide: true
        cpu: 500m
        type: ClusterIP
      bootstrap: seldon-kafka-bootstrap.seldon-mesh:9092
        numPartitions: 4
      enable: false
        type: ClusterIP
          cpu: 1
          memory: 2Gi
          cpu: 1
          memory: 2Gi
    serviceGRPCPrefix: "http2-"
  4. Change to the directory that contains the components-values.yaml file and then install Seldon Core 2 operator in the namespace seldon-system.

     helm upgrade seldon-core-v2-components seldon-charts/seldon-core-v2-setup \
     --version 2.8.5 \
     -f components-values.yaml \
     --namespace seldon-system \
  5. Install Seldon Core 2 runtimes in the namespace seldon.

    helm upgrade seldon-core-v2-runtime seldon-charts/seldon-core-v2-runtime \
    --version 2.8.5 \
    --namespace seldon \
  6. Create a YAML file to specify the initial configuration for Seldon Core 2 servers. For example, create the servers-values.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

     replicas: 1
      replicas: 1
  7. Change to the directory that contains the servers-values.yaml file and then install Seldon Core 2 servers in the namespace seldon.

     helm upgrade seldon-core-v2-servers seldon-charts/seldon-core-v2-servers \
     --version 2.8.5 \
     -f servers-values.yaml \
     --namespace seldon \

Installating Seldon Enterprise Platform on a Kubernetes cluster

Note: These configurations do not enable features such as Model Catalog, Monitoring and Alerting, Request logging, GitOps and others.

  1. Install Knative Eventing core components in the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/knative/eventing/releases/download/knative-v1.12.2/eventing-crds.yaml
    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/knative/eventing/releases/download/knative-v1.12.2/eventing-core.yaml
    kubectl get crds | grep eventing.knative.dev
  2. Create a YAML file to specify the initial configuration. For example, create the install-values.yaml file. Use your preferred text editor to create and save the file with the following content:

      image: seldonio/seldon-deploy-server:2.4.0
       enabled:  false
       enabled:  true
      create: false
        enabled: true
        bootstrap_servers: seldon-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092
        group_id: metronome
        auto_offset_reset: earliest
        enabled: false
    enableAppAuth: false
      basicAuth: false
      enabled: false
      knativeEnabled: false
      enabled: true
  3. Change to the directory that contains the install-values.yaml file and then install Seldon Enterprise Platform in the namespace seldon-system.

    helm install seldon-enterprise seldon-charts/seldon-deploy --namespace seldon-system  -f install-values.yaml --version 2.4.0

    When the installation is successful, you should see this:

    NAME: seldon-enterprise
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 26 16:43:44 2024
    NAMESPACE: seldon-system
    STATUS: deployed
    1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
      export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=seldon-deploy,app.kubernetes.io/instance=seldon-enterprise" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
      echo "Visit to use your application"
      kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  4. Check the status of the installation seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy.

    kubectl rollout status deployment/seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy -n seldon-system

    When the installation is complete you should see this:

    deployment "seldon-enterprise-seldon-deploy" successfully rolled out
  5. Get the Pod that is running Seldon Enterprise Platform in the cluster and save it as $POD_NAME.

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace seldon-system -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=seldon-deploy,app.kubernetes.io/instance=seldon-enterprise" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  6. You can use port-forwarding to access your application.

    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8000:8000 --namespace seldon-system
  7. Open your browser and navigate to to access Seldon Enterprise Platform with Seldon Core 2 resources, operator, runtimes and servers.

  8. Apply the trial license and click Activate.

Note: After confirming that port-forwarding to the application is configured, you can open your browser and navigate to to access the Seldon Enterprise Platform deployed in the Kubernetes cluster at any time.


To explore the features of Seldon Enterprise Platform, you need to complete the installation of other components in the following order:

Additional Resources

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