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syntax = "proto3";
package seldon.mlops.chainer;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "io.seldon.mlops.chainer";
message PipelineSubscriptionRequest {
string name = 1;
message PipelineUpdateMessage {
enum PipelineOperation {
Unknown = 0;
Create = 1;
Delete = 2;
PipelineOperation op = 1;
string pipeline = 2;
uint32 version = 3;
string uid = 4;
repeated PipelineStepUpdate updates = 5;
message PipelineStepUpdate {
enum PipelineJoinType {
Unknown = 0;
Inner = 1;
Outer = 2;
Any = 3;
// Pipeline Resource example, e.g. transform.outputs.traffic
// seldon.<namespace>.<model name>.<inputs|outputs>.<tensor name>
repeated PipelineTopic sources = 1;
repeated PipelineTopic triggers = 2;
PipelineTopic sink = 3;
PipelineJoinType inputJoinTy = 4;
PipelineJoinType triggersJoinTy = 5;
bool passEmptyResponses = 6; // Forward empty response to following steps, default false
optional uint32 joinWindowMs = 7; // Join window millisecs, some nozero default (TBD)
repeated PipelineTensorMapping tensorMap = 8; // optional list of tensor name mappings
Batch batch = 9; // Batch settings
message PipelineTensorMapping {
string pipelineName = 1;
string topicAndTensor = 2;
string tensorName = 3;
message PipelineTopic {
string pipelineName = 1;
string topicName = 2;
optional string tensor = 3;
message Batch {
optional uint32 size = 1;
optional uint32 windowMs = 2;
bool rolling = 3;
message PipelineUpdateStatusMessage {
// TODO - include `name` to identify transformer message comes from
PipelineUpdateMessage update = 1;
bool success = 2;
string reason = 3;
message PipelineUpdateStatusResponse {
service Chainer {
rpc SubscribePipelineUpdates(PipelineSubscriptionRequest) returns (stream PipelineUpdateMessage) {};
rpc PipelineUpdateEvent(PipelineUpdateStatusMessage) returns (PipelineUpdateStatusResponse) {};