Performance Tests
This section describes how a user can run performance tests to understand the limits of a particular SCv2 deployment.
The base directly is tests/k6
k6 is used to drive requests for load, unload and infer workloads. It is recommended that the load test is run within the same cluster that has SCv2 installed as it requires internal access to some of the services that are not automatically exposed to the outside world. Furthermore having the driver withthin the same cluster minimises link latency to SCv2 entrypoint; therefore infer latencies are more representatives of actual overheads of the system.
Envoy Tests synchronous inference requests via envoy
To run: make deploy-envoy-test
Agent Tests inference requests direct to a specific agent, defaults to triton-0 or mlserver-0
To run: make deploy-rproxy-test
pr make deploy-rproxy-mlserver-test
Server Tests inference requests direct to a specific server (bypassing agent), defaults to triton-0 or mlserver-0
to run: make deploy-server-test
or deploy-server-mlserver-test
Pipeline gateway (HTTP-Kafka gateway) Tests inference requests to one-node pipeline HTTP and GPRC requests
To run: make deploy-kpipeline-test
Model gateway (Kafka-HTTP gateway) Tests inference requests to a model via kafka
To run: deploy-kmodel-test
One way to look at results is to look at the log of the pod that executed the kubernetes job.
Results can also be persisted to a gs bucket, a service account k6-sa-key
in the same namespace is required,
Users can also look at the metrics that are exposed in prometheus while the test is underway
Building k6 image
In the case a user is modifying the actual scenario of the test:
export DOCKERHUB_USERNAME=mydockerhubaccount
build the k6 image via
make build-push
in the same shell environment, deploying jobs will use this custome built docker image
Modifying tests
Users can modify settings of the tests in tests/k6/configs/k8s/base/k6.yaml
. This will apply to all subsequent tests that are deployed using the above process.
Some settings that can be changed
k6 args
for a full list, check k6 args
Environment variables
, choose from:
Last updated
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