Performance Tests

This section describes how a user can run performance tests to understand the limits of a particular SCv2 deployment.

The base directly is tests/k6


k6 is used to drive requests for load, unload and infer workloads. It is recommended that the load test is run within the same cluster that has SCv2 installed as it requires internal access to some of the services that are not automatically exposed to the outside world. Furthermore having the driver withthin the same cluster minimises link latency to SCv2 entrypoint; therefore infer latencies are more representatives of actual overheads of the system.


  • Envoy Tests synchronous inference requests via envoy

To run: make deploy-envoy-test

  • Agent Tests inference requests direct to a specific agent, defaults to triton-0 or mlserver-0

To run: make deploy-rproxy-test pr make deploy-rproxy-mlserver-test

  • Server Tests inference requests direct to a specific server (bypassing agent), defaults to triton-0 or mlserver-0

to run: make deploy-server-test or deploy-server-mlserver-test

  • Pipeline gateway (HTTP-Kafka gateway) Tests inference requests to one-node pipeline HTTP and GPRC requests

To run: make deploy-kpipeline-test

  • Model gateway (Kafka-HTTP gateway) Tests inference requests to a model via kafka

To run: deploy-kmodel-test


One way to look at results is to look at the log of the pod that executed the kubernetes job.

Results can also be persisted to a gs bucket, a service account k6-sa-key in the same namespace is required,

Users can also look at the metrics that are exposed in prometheus while the test is underway

Building k6 image

In the case a user is modifying the actual scenario of the test:

  • export DOCKERHUB_USERNAME=mydockerhubaccount

  • build the k6 image via make build-push

  • in the same shell environment, deploying jobs will use this custome built docker image

Modifying tests

Users can modify settings of the tests in tests/k6/configs/k8s/base/k6.yaml. This will apply to all subsequent tests that are deployed using the above process.


Some settings that can be changed

  • k6 args

      # tests/k6/configs/k8s/base/k6.yaml
      args: [
      # # infer_constant_rate
      # args: [
      #   "--no-teardown",
      #   "--summary-export",
      #   "results/base.json",
      #   "--out",
      #   "csv=results/base.gz",
      #   "scenarios/infer_constant_rate.js",
      #   ]
      # # k8s-test-script
      # args: [
      #   "--summary-export",
      #   "results/base.json",
      #   "--out",
      #   "csv=results/base.gz",
      #   "scenarios/k8s-test-script.js",
      #   ]
      # # core2_qa_control_plane_ops
      # args: [
      #   "--no-teardown",
      #   "--verbose",
      #   "--summary-export",
      #   "results/base.json",
      #   "--out",
      #   "csv=results/base.gz",
      #   "-u",
      #   "5",
      #   "-i",
      #   "10000",
      #   "-d",
      #   "9h",
      #   "scenarios/core2_qa_control_plane_ops.js",
      #   ]

for a full list, check k6 args

  • Environment variables

        value: "1"
        value: "1"
      - name: MODELNAME_PREFIX
        value: "tfsimplea,pytorch-cifar10a,tfmnista,mlflow-winea,irisa"
      - name: MODEL_TYPE
        value: "tfsimple,pytorch_cifar10,tfmnist,mlflow_wine,iris"
      # Specify MODEL_MEMORY_BYTES using unit-of measure suffixes (k, M, G, T)
      # rather than numbers without units of measure. If supplying "naked
      # numbers", the seldon operator will take care of converting the number
      # for you but also take ownership of the field (as FieldManager), so the
      # next time you run the scenario creating/updating of the model CR will
      # fail.
      - name: MODEL_MEMORY_BYTES
        value: "400k,8M,43M,200k,3M"
        value: "0.1"
      - name: MAX_NUM_MODELS
        value: "800,100,25,100,100"
        # value: "0,0,25,100,100"
      # MAX_NUM_MODELS_HEADROOM is a variable used by control-plane tests.
      # It's the approximate number of models that can be created over
      # MAX_NUM_MODELS over the experiment. In the worst case scenario
      # (very unlikely) the HEADROOM values may temporarily exceed the ones
      # specified here with the number of VUs, because each VU checks the
      # headroom constraint independently before deciding on the available
      # operations (no communication/sync between VUs)
      #   value: "20,5,0,20,30"
      # MAX_MODEL_REPLICAS is used by control-plane tests. It controls the
      # maximum number of replicas that may be requested when
      # creating/updating models of a given type.
      # - name: MAX_MODEL_REPLICAS
      #   value: "2,2,0,2,2"
      - name: INFER_BATCH_SIZE
        value: "1,1,1,1,1"
      # MODEL_CREATE_UPDATE_DELETE_BIAS defines the probability ratios between
      # the operations, for control-plane tests. For example, "1, 4, 3"
      # makes an Update four times more likely then a Create, and a Delete 3
      # times more likely than the Create.
      #   value: "1,3,1"
      - name: WARMUP
        value: "false"
    • for MODEL_TYPE, choose from:

    // tests/k6/components/model.js
      import { dump as yamlDump } from "";
      import { getConfig } from '../components/settings.js'
      const tfsimple_string = "tfsimple_string"
      const tfsimple = "tfsimple"
      const iris = "iris"  // mlserver
      const pytorch_cifar10 = "pytorch_cifar10"
      const tfmnist = "tfmnist"
      const tfresnet152 = "tfresnet152"
      const onnx_gpt2 = "onnx_gpt2"
      const mlflow_wine = "mlflow_wine" // mlserver
      const add10 = "add10" //
      const sentiment = "sentiment" // mlserver

Last updated

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