HPA Autoscaling in single-model serving

Learn how to jointly autoscale model and server replicas based on a metric of inference requests per second (RPS) using HPA, when there is a one-to-one correspondence between models and servers (single-model serving). This will require:

  • Having a Seldon Core 2 install that publishes metrics to prometheus (default). In the following, we will assume that prometheus is already installed and configured in the seldon-monitoring namespace.

  • Installing and configuring Prometheus Adapter, which allows prometheus queries on relevant metrics to be published as k8s custom metrics

  • Configuring HPA manifests to scale Models and the corresponding Server replicas based on the custom metrics

The Core 2 HPA-based autoscaling has the following constraints/limitations:

  • HPA scaling only targets single-model serving, where there is a 1:1 correspondence between models and servers. Autoscaling for multi-model serving (MMS) is supported for specific models and workloads via the Core 2 native features described here.

    • Significant improvements to MMS autoscaling are planned for future releases.

  • Only custom metrics from Prometheus are supported. Native Kubernetes resource metrics such as CPU or memory are not. This limitation exists because of HPA's design: In order to prevent multiple HPA CRs from issuing conflicting scaling instructions, each HPA CR must exclusively control a set of pods which is disjoint from the pods controlled by other HPA CRs. In Seldon Core 2, CPU/memory metrics can be used to scale the number of Server replicas via HPA. However, this also means that the CPU/memory metrics from the same set of pods can no longer be used to scale the number of model replicas.

    • We are working on improvements in Core 2 to allow both servers and models to be scaled based on a single HPA manifest, targeting the Model CR.

  • Each Kubernetes cluster supports only one active custom metrics provider. If your cluster already uses a custom metrics provider different from prometheus-adapter, it will need to be removed before being able to scale Core 2 models and servers via HPA.

    • The Kubernetes community is actively exploring solutions for allowing multiple custom metrics providers to coexist.

Installing and configuring the Prometheus Adapter

The role of the Prometheus Adapter is to expose queries on metrics in Prometheus as k8s custom or external metrics. Those can then be accessed by HPA in order to take scaling decisions.

To install through helm:

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install --set prometheus.url='http://seldon-monitoring-prometheus' hpa-metrics prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter -n seldon-monitoring

These commands install prometheus-adapter as a helm release named hpa-metrics in the same namespace where Prometheus is installed, and point to its service URL (without the port).

The URL is not fully qualified as it references a Prometheus instance running in the same namespace. If you are using a separately-managed Prometheus instance, please update the URL accordingly.

If you are running Prometheus on a different port than the default 9090, you can also pass --set prometheus.port=[custom_port] You may inspect all the options available as helm values by running helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter

Please check that the metricsRelistInterval helm value (default to 1m) works well in your setup, and update it otherwise. This value needs to be larger than or equal to your Prometheus scrape interval. The corresponding prometheus adapter command-line argument is --metrics-relist-interval. If the relist interval is set incorrectly, it will lead to some of the custom metrics being intermittently reported as missing.

We now need to configure the adapter to look for the correct prometheus metrics and compute per-model RPS values. On install, the adapter has created a ConfigMap in the same namespace as itself, named [helm_release_name]-prometheus-adapter. In our case, it will be hpa-metrics-prometheus-adapter.

Overwrite the ConfigMap as shown in the following manifest, after applying any required customizations.

Change the name if you've chosen a different value for the prometheus-adapter helm release name. Change the namespace to match the namespace where prometheus-adapter is installed.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: hpa-metrics-prometheus-adapter
  namespace: seldon-monitoring
  config.yaml: |-
      "seriesQuery": |
          "model": {group: "mlops.seldon.io", resource: "model"}
          "server": {group: "mlops.seldon.io", resource: "server"}
          "pod": {resource: "pod"}
          "namespace": {resource: "namespace"}
        "matches": "seldon_model_infer_total"
        "as": "infer_rps"
      "metricsQuery": |
        sum by (<<.GroupBy>>) (
          rate (

In this example, a single rule is defined to fetch the seldon_model_infer_total metric from Prometheus, compute its per second change rate based on data within a 2 minute sliding window, and expose this to Kubernetes as the infer_rps metric, with aggregations available at model, server, inference server pod and namespace level.

When HPA requests the infer_rps metric via the custom metrics API for a specific model, prometheus-adapter issues a Prometheus query in line with what it is defined in its config.

For the configuration in our example, the query for a model named irisa0 in namespace seldon-mesh would be:

sum by (model) (
  rate (
    seldon_model_infer_total{model="irisa0", namespace="seldon-mesh"}[2m]

You may want to modify the query in the example to match the one that you typically use in your monitoring setup for RPS metrics. The example calls rate() with a 2 minute sliding window. Values scraped at the beginning and end of the 2 minute window before query time are used to compute the RPS.

It is important to sanity-check the query by executing it against your Prometheus instance. To do so, pick an existing model CR in your Seldon Core 2 install, and send some inference requests towards it. Then, wait for a period equal to at least twice the Prometheus scrape interval (Prometheus default 1 minute), so that two values from the series are captured and a rate can be computed. Finally, you can modify the model name and namespace in the query above to match the model you've picked and execute the query.

If the query result is empty, please adjust it until it consistently returns the expected metric values. Pay special attention to the window size (2 minutes in the example): if it is smaller than twice the Prometheus scrape interval, the query may return no results. A compromise needs to be reached to set the window size large enough to reject noise but also small enough to make the result responsive to quick changes in load.

Update the metricsQuery in the prometheus-adapter ConfigMap to match any query changes you have made during tests.

A list of all the Prometheus metrics exposed by Seldon Core 2 in relation to Models, Servers and Pipelines is available here, and those may be used when customizing the configuration.

Customizing prometheus-adapter rule definitions

The rule definition can be broken down in four parts:

  • Discovery (the seriesQuery and seriesFilters keys) controls what Prometheus metrics are considered for exposure via the k8s custom metrics API.

    As an alternative to the example above, all the Seldon Prometheus metrics of the form seldon_model.*_total could be considered, followed by excluding metrics pre-aggregated across all models (.*_aggregate_.*) as well as the cummulative infer time per model (.*_seconds_total):

    "seriesQuery": |
            - "isNot": "^seldon_.*_seconds_total"
            - "isNot": "^seldon_.*_aggregate_.*"

    For RPS, we are only interested in the model inference count (seldon_model_infer_total)

  • Association (the resources key) controls the Kubernetes resources that a particular metric can be attached to or aggregated over.

    The resources key defines an association between certain labels from the Prometheus metric and k8s resources. For example, on line 17, "model": {group: "mlops.seldon.io", resource: "model"} lets prometheus-adapter know that, for the selected Prometheus metrics, the value of the "model" label represents the name of a k8s model.mlops.seldon.io CR.

    One k8s custom metric is generated for each k8s resource associated with a prometheus metric. In this way, it becomes possible to request the k8s custom metric values for models.mlops.seldon.io/iris or for servers.mlops.seldon.io/mlserver.

    The labels that do not refer to a namespace resource generate "namespaced" custom metrics (the label values refer to resources which are part of a namespace) -- this distinction becomes important when needing to fetch the metrics via kubectl, and in understanding how certain Prometheus query template placeholders are replaced.

  • Naming (the name key) configures the naming of the k8s custom metric.

    In the example ConfigMap, this is configured to take the Prometheus metric named seldon_model_infer_total and expose custom metric endpoints named infer_rps, which when called return the result of a query over the Prometheus metric.

    Instead of a literal match, one could also use regex group capture expressions, which can then be referenced in the custom metric name:

      "matches": "^seldon_model_(.*)_total"
      "as": "${1}_rps"
  • Querying (the metricsQuery key) defines how a request for a specific k8s custom metric gets converted into a Prometheus query.

    The query can make use of the following placeholders:

    • .Series is replaced by the discovered prometheus metric name (e.g. seldon_model_infer_total)

    • .LabelMatchers, when requesting a namespaced metric for resource X with name x in namespace n, is replaced by X=~"x",namespace="n". For example, model=~"iris0", namespace="seldon-mesh". When requesting the namespace resource itself, only the namespace="n" is kept.

    • .GroupBy is replaced by the resource type of the requested metric (e.g. model, server, pod or namespace).

For a complete reference for how prometheus-adapter can be configured via the ConfigMap, please consult the docs here.

Once you have applied any necessary customizations, replace the default prometheus-adapter config with the new one, and restart the deployment (this restart is required so that prometheus-adapter picks up the new config):

# Replace default prometheus adapter config
kubectl replace -f prometheus-adapter.config.yaml
# Restart prometheus-adapter pods
kubectl rollout restart deployment hpa-metrics-prometheus-adapter -n seldon-monitoring

Testing the install using the custom metrics API

In order to test that the prometheus adapter config works and everything is set up correctly, you can issue raw kubectl requests against the custom metrics API

Listing the available metrics:

kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/ | jq .

For namespaced metrics, the general template for fetching is:

kubectl get --raw "/apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/[NAMESPACE]/[API_RESOURCE_NAME]/[CR_NAME]/[METRIC_NAME]"

For example:

  • Fetching model RPS metric for a specific (namespace, model) pair (seldon-mesh, irisa0):

    kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/seldon-mesh/models.mlops.seldon.io/irisa0/infer_rps
  • Fetching model RPS metric aggregated at the (namespace, server) level (seldon-mesh, mlserver):

    kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/seldon-mesh/servers.mlops.seldon.io/mlserver/infer_rps
  • Fetching model RPS metric aggregated at the (namespace, pod) level (seldon-mesh, mlserver-0):

    kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/seldon-mesh/pods/mlserver-0/infer_rps
  • Fetching the same metric aggregated at namespace level (seldon-mesh):

    kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/*/metrics/infer_rps

Configuring HPA manifests

For every (Model, Server) pair you want to autoscale, you need to apply 2 HPA manifests based on the same metric: one scaling the Model, the other the Server. The example below only works if the mapping between Models and Servers is 1-to-1 (i.e no multi-model serving).

Consider a model named irisa0 with the following manifest. Please note we don’t set minReplicas/maxReplicas. This disables the seldon lag-based autoscaling so that it doesn’t interact with HPA (separate minReplicas/maxReplicas configs will be set on the HPA side)

You must also explicitly define a value for spec.replicas. This is the key modified by HPA to increase the number of replicas, and if not present in the manifest it will result in HPA not working until the Model CR is modified to have spec.replicas defined.

apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
kind: Model
  name: irisa0
  namespace: seldon-mesh
  memory: 3M
  replicas: 1
  - sklearn
  storageUri: gs://seldon-models/testing/iris1

Let’s scale this model when it is deployed on a server named mlserver, with a target RPS per replica of 3 RPS (higher RPS would trigger scale-up, lower would trigger scale-down):

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: irisa0-model-hpa
  namespace: seldon-mesh
    apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Model
    name: irisa0
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 3
  - type: Object
        name: infer_rps
        apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
        kind: Model
        name: irisa0
        type: AverageValue
        averageValue: 3
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: mlserver-server-hpa
  namespace: seldon-mesh
    apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Server
    name: mlserver
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 3
  - type: Object
        name: infer_rps
        apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
        kind: Model
        name: irisa0
        type: AverageValue
        averageValue: 3

It is important to keep both the scaling metric and any scaling policies the same across the two HPA manifests. This is to ensure that both the Models and the Servers are scaled up/down at approximately the same time. Small variations in the scale-up time are expected because each HPA samples the metrics independently, at regular intervals.

In order to ensure similar scaling behaviour between Models and Servers, the number of minReplicas and maxReplicas, as well as any other configured scaling policies should be kept in sync across the HPA for the model and the server.

The Object metric allows for two target value types: AverageValue and Value. Of the two, only AverageValue is supported for the current Seldon Core 2 setup. The Value target type is typically used for metrics describing the utilization of a resource and would not be suitable for RPS-based scaling.

HPA metrics of type Object

The example HPA manifests use metrics of type "Object" that fetch the data used in scaling decisions by querying k8s metrics associated with a particular k8s object. The endpoints that HPA uses for fetching those metrics are the same ones that were tested in the previous section using kubectl get --raw .... Because you have configured the Prometheus Adapter to expose those k8s metrics based on queries to Prometheus, a mapping exists between the information contained in the HPA Object metric definition and the actual query that is executed against Prometheus. This section aims to give more details on how this mapping works.

In our example, the metric.name:infer_rps gets mapped to the seldon_model_infer_total metric on the prometheus side, based on the configuration in the name section of the Prometheus Adapter ConfigMap. The prometheus metric name is then used to fill in the <<.Series>> template in the query (metricsQuery in the same ConfigMap).

Then, the information provided in the describedObject is used within the Prometheus query to select the right aggregations of the metric. For the RPS metric used to scale the Model (and the Server because of the 1-1 mapping), it makes sense to compute the aggregate RPS across all the replicas of a given model, so the describedObject references a specific Model CR.

However, in the general case, the describedObject does not need to be a Model. Any k8s object listed in the resources section of the Prometheus Adapter ConfigMap may be used. The Prometheus label associated with the object kind fills in the <<.GroupBy>> template, while the name gets used as part of the <<.LabelMatchers>>. For example:

  • If the described object is { kind: Namespace, name: seldon-mesh }, then the Prometheus query template configured in our example would be transformed into:

sum by (namespace) (
  rate (
  • If the described object is not a namespace (for example, { kind: Pod, name: mlserver-0 }) then the query will be passed the label describing the object, alongside an additional label identifying the namespace where the HPA manifest resides in.:

sum by (pod) (
  rate (
    seldon_model_infer_total{pod="mlserver-0", namespace="seldon-mesh"}[2m]

The target section establishes the thresholds used in scaling decisions. For RPS, the AverageValue target type refers to the threshold per replica RPS above which the number of the scaleTargetRef (Model or Server) replicas should be increased. The target number of replicas is being computed by HPA according to the following formula:

targetReplicas=infer_rpsaverageValue\texttt{targetReplicas} = \frac{\texttt{infer\_rps}}{\texttt{averageValue}}

As an example, if averageValue=50 and infer_rps=150, the targetReplicas would be 3.

Importantly, computing the target number of replicas does not require knowing the number of active pods currently associated with the Server or Model. This is what allows both the Model and the Server to be targeted by two separate HPA manifests. Otherwise, both HPA CRs would attempt to take ownership of the same set of pods, and transition into a failure state.

This is also why the Value target type is not currently supported. In this case, HPA first computes an utilizationRatio:

utilizationRatio=custom_metric_valuethreshold_value\texttt{utilizationRatio} = \frac{\texttt{custom\_metric\_value}}{\texttt{threshold\_value}}

As an example, if threshold_value=100 and custom_metric_value=200, the utilizationRatio would be 2. HPA deduces from this that the number of active pods associated with the scaleTargetRef object should be doubled, and expects that once that target is achieved, the custom_metric_value will become equal to the threshold_value (utilizationRatio=1). However, by using the number of active pods, the HPA CRs for both the Model and the Server also try to take exclusive ownership of the same set of pods, and fail.

HPA sampling of custom metrics

Each HPA CR has it's own timer on which it samples the specified custom metrics. This timer starts when the CR is created, with sampling of the metric being done at regular intervals (by default, 15 seconds).

As a side effect of this, creating the Model HPA and the Server HPA (for a given model) at different times will mean that the scaling decisions on the two are taken at different times. Even when creating the two CRs together as part of the same manifest, there will usually be a small delay between the point where the Model and Server spec.replicas values are changed.

Despite this delay, the two will converge to the same number when the decisions are taken based on the same metric (as in the previous examples).

When showing the HPA CR information via kubectl get, a column of the output will display the current metric value per replica and the target average value in the format [per replica metric value]/[target]. This information is updated in accordance to the sampling rate of each HPA resource. It is therefore expected to sometimes see different metric values for the Model and it's corresponding Server.

Advanced settings

  • Filtering metrics by additional labels on the prometheus metric:

    The prometheus metric from which the model RPS is computed has the following labels managed by Seldon Core 2:


    If you want the scaling metric to be computed based on a subset of the Prometheus time series with particular label values (labels either managed by Seldon Core 2 or added automatically within your infrastructure), you can add this as a selector the HPA metric config. This is shown in the following example, which scales only based on the RPS of REST requests as opposed to REST + gRPC:

      - type: Object
            apiVersion: mlops.seldon.io/v1alpha1
            kind: Model
            name: irisa0
            name: infer_rps
                method_type: rest
    	    type: AverageValue
            averageValue: "3"
  • Customize scale-up / scale-down rate & properties by using scaling policies as described in the HPA scaling policies docs

  • For more resources, please consult the HPA docs and the HPA walkthrough

Cluster operation guidelines when using HPA-based scaling

When deploying HPA-based scaling for Seldon Core 2 models and servers as part of a production deployment, it is important to understand the exact interactions between HPA-triggered actions and Seldon Core 2 scheduling, as well as potential pitfalls in choosing particular HPA configurations.

Using the default scaling policy, HPA is relatively aggressive on scale-up (responding quickly to increases in load), with a maximum replicas increase of either 4 every 15 seconds or 100% of existing replicas within the same period (whichever is highest). In contrast, scaling-down is more gradual, with HPA only scaling down to the maximum number of recommended replicas in the most recent 5 minute rolling window, in order to avoid flapping. Those parameters can be customized via scaling policies.

When using custom metrics such as RPS, the actual number of replicas added during scale-up or reduced during scale-down will entirely depend, alongside the maximums imposed by the policy, on the configured target (averageValue RPS per replica) and on how quickly the inferencing load varies in your cluster. All three need to be considered jointly in order to deliver both an efficient use of resources and meeting SLAs.

Customizing per-replica RPS targets and replica limits

Naturally, the first thing to consider is an estimated peak inference load (including some margins) for each of the models in the cluster. If the minimum number of model replicas needed to serve that load without breaching latency SLAs is known, it should be set as spec.maxReplicas, with the HPA target.averageValue set to peak_infer_RPS/maxReplicas.

If maxReplicas is not already known, an open-loop load test with a slowly ramping up request rate should be done on the target model (one replica, no scaling). This would allow you to determine the RPS (inference request throughput) when latency SLAs are breached or (depending on the desired operation point) when latency starts increasing. You would then set the HPA target.averageValue taking some margin below this saturation RPS, and compute spec.maxReplicas as peak_infer_RPS/target.averageValue. The margin taken below the saturation point is very important, because scaling-up cannot be instant (it requires spinning up new pods, downloading model artifacts, etc.). In the period until the new replicas become available, any load increases will still need to be absorbed by the existing replicas.

If there are multiple models which typically experience peak load in a correlated manner, you need to ensure that sufficient cluster resources are available for k8s to concurrently schedule the maximum number of server pods, with each pod holding one model replica. This can be ensured by using either Cluster Autoscaler or, when running workloads in the cloud, any provider-specific cluster autoscaling services.

It is important for the cluster to have sufficient resources for creating the total number of desired server replicas set by the HPA CRs across all the models at a given time.

Not having sufficient cluster resources to serve the number of replicas configured by HPA at a given moment, in particular under aggressive scale-up HPA policies, may result in breaches of SLAs. This is discussed in more detail in the following section.

A similar approach should be taken for setting minReplicas, in relation to estimated RPS in the low-load regime. However, it's useful to balance lower resource usage to immediate availability of replicas for inference rate increases from that lowest load point. If low-load regimes only occur for small periods of time, and especially combined with a high rate of increase in RPS when moving out of the low-load regime, it might be worth to set the minReplicas floor higher in order to ensure SLAs are met at all times.

Customizing HPA policy settings for ensuring correct scaling behaviour

Each spec.replica value change for a Model or Server triggers a rescheduling event for the Seldon Core 2 scheduler, which considers any updates that are needed in mapping Model replicas to Server replicas such as rescheduling failed Model replicas, loading new ones, unloading in the case of the number of replicas going down, etc.

Two characteristics in the current implementation are important in terms of autoscaling and configuring the HPA scale-up policy:

  • The scheduler does not create new Server replicas when the existing replicas are not sufficient for loading a Model's replicas (one Model replica per Server replica). Whenever a Model requests more replicas than available on any of the available Servers, its ModelReady condition transitions to Status: False with a ScheduleFailed message. However, any replicas of that Model that are already loaded at that point remain available for servicing inference load.

  • There is no partial scheduling of replicas. For example, consider a model with 2 replicas, currently loaded on a server with 3 replicas (two of those server replicas will have the model loaded). If you update the model replicas to 4, the scheduler will transition the model to ScheduleFailed, seeing that it cannot satisfy the requested number of replicas. The existing 2 model replicas will continue to serve traffic, but a third replica will not be loaded onto the remaining server replica.

    In other words, the scheduler either schedules all the requested replicas, or, if unable to do so, leaves the state of the cluster unchanged.

    Introducing partial scheduling would make the overall results of assigning models to servers significantly less predictable and ephemeral. This is because models may end up moved back-and forth between servers depending on the speed with which various server replicas become available. Network partitions or other transient errors may also trigger large changes to the model-to-server assignments, making it challenging to sustain consistent data plane load during those periods.

Taken together, the two Core 2 scheduling characteristics, combined with a very aggressive HPA scale-up policy and a continuously increasing RPS may lead to the following pathological case:

  • Based on RPS, HPA decides to increase both the Model and Server replicas from 2 (an example start stable state) to 8. While the 6 new Server pods get scheduled and get the Model loaded onto them, the scheduler will transition the Model into the ScheduleFailed state, because it cannot fulfill the requested replicas requirement. During this period, the initial 2 Model replicas continue to serve load, but are using their RPS margins and getting closer to the saturation point.

  • At the same time, load continues to increase, so HPA further increases the number of required Model and Server replicas from 8 to 12, before all of the 6 new Server pods had a chance to become available. The new replica target for the scheduler also becomes 12, and this would not be satisfied until all the 12 Server replicas are available. The 2 Model replicas that are available may by now be saturated and the infer latency spikes up, breaching set SLAs.

  • The process may continue until load stabilizes.

  • If at any point the number of requested replicas (<=maxReplicas) exceeds the resource capacity of the cluster, the requested server replica count will never be reached and thus the Model will remain permanently in the ScheduleFailed state.

While most likely encountered during continuous ramp-up RPS load tests with autoscaling enabled, the pathological case example is a good showcase for the elements that need to be taken into account when setting the HPA policies.

  • The speed with which new Server replicas can become available versus how many new replicas may HPA request in a given time:

    • The HPA scale-up policy should not be configured to request more replicas than can become available in the specified time. The following example reflects a confidence that 5 Server pods will become available within 90 seconds, with some safety margin. The default scale-up config, that also adds a percentage based policy (double the existing replicas within the set periodSeconds) is not recommended because of this.

    • Perhaps more importantly, there is no reason to scale faster than the time it takes for replicas to become available - this is the true maximum rate with which scaling up can happen anyway.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: irisa0-model-hpa
  namespace: seldon-mesh
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 3
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
      - type: Pods
        value: 5
        periodSeconds: 90
  • The duration of transient load spikes which you might want to absorb within the existing per-replica RPS margins.

    • The previous example, at line 13, configures a scale-up stabilization window of one minute. It means that for all of the HPA recommended replicas in the last 60 second window (4 samples of the custom metric considering the default sampling rate), only the smallest will be applied.

    • Such stabilization windows should be set depending on typical load patterns in your cluster: not being too aggressive in reacting to increased load will allow you to achieve cost savings, but has the disadvantage of a delayed reaction if the load spike turns out to be sustained.

  • The duration of any typical/expected sustained ramp-up period, and the RPS increase rate during this period.

    • It is useful to consider whether the replica scale-up rate configured via the policy (line 15 in the example) is able to keep-up with this RPS increase rate.

    • Such a scenario may appear, for example, if you are planning for a smooth traffic ramp-up in a blue-green deployment as you are draining the "blue" deployment and transitioning to the "green" one

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