Seldon Core 2 is designed around data flow paradigm. Here we will explain what that means and some of the rationals behind this choice.
Initial release of Seldon Core introduced a concept of an inference graph, which can be thought of as a sequence of operations that happen to the inference request. Here is how it may look like:
In reality though this was not how Seldon Core v1 is implemented. Instead, Seldon deployment consists of a range of independent services that host models, transformations, detectors and explainers, and a central orchestrator that knows the inference graph topology and makes service calls in the correct order, passing data between requests and responses as necessary. Here is how the picture looks under the hood:
While this is a convenient way of implementing evaluation graph with microservices, it has a few problems. Orchestrator becomes a bottleneck and a single point of failure. It also hides all the data transformations that need to happen to translate one service's response to another service's request. Data tracing and lineage becomes difficult. All in all, while Seldon platform is all about processing data, under-the-hood implementation was still focused on order of operations and not on data itself.
The realisation of this disparity led to a new approach towards inference graph evaluation in v2, based on the data flow paradigm. Data flow is a well known concept in software engineering, known from 1960s. In contrast to services, that model programs as a control flow, focusing on the order of operations, data flow proposes to model software systems as a series of connections that modify incoming data, focusing on data flowing through the system. A particular flavor of data flow paradigm used by v2 is known as flow-based programming, FBP. FBP defines software applications as a set of processes which exchange data via connections that are external to those processes. Connections are made via named ports, which promotes data coupling between components of the system.
Data flow design makes data in software the top priority. That is one of the key messages of the so called "data-centric AI" idea, which is becoming increasingly popular within the ML community. Data is a key component of a successful ML project. Data needs to be discovered, described, cleaned, understood, monitored and verified. Consequently, there is a growing demand for data-centric platforms and solutions. Making Seldon Core data-centric was one of the key goals of the Seldon Core 2 design.
In the context of Seldon Core application of FBP design approach means that the evaluation implementation is done the same way inferece graph. So instead of routing everything through a centralized orchestrator the evaluation happens in the same graph-like manner:
As far as implementation goes, Seldon Core 2 runs on Kafka. Inference request is put onto a pipeline input topic, which triggers an evaluation. Each part of the inference graph is a service running in its own container fronted by a model gateway. Model gateway listens to a corresponding input Kafka topic, reads data from it, calls the service and puts the received response to an output Kafka topic. There is also a pipeline gateway that allows to interact with Seldon Core in synchronous manner.
This approach gives SCv2 several important features. Firstly, Seldon Core natively supports both synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation. Asynchronicity is achieved via streaming: input data can be sent to an input topic in Kafka, and after the evaluation the output topic will contain the inference result. For those looking to use it in the v1 style, a service API is provided.
Secondly, there is no single point of failure. Even if one or more nodes in the graph go down, the data will still be sitting on the streams waiting to be processed, and the evaluation resumes whenever the failed node comes back up.
Thirdly, data flow means intermediate data can be accessed at any arbitrary step of the graph, inspected and collected as necessary. Data lineage is possible throughout, which opens up opportunities for advanced monitoring and explainability use cases. This is a key feature for effective error surfacing in production environments as it allows:
Adding context from different parts of the graph to better understand a particular output
Reducing false positive rates of alerts as different slices of the data can be investigated
Enabling reproducing of results as fined-grained lineage of computation and associated data transformation are tracked by design
Finally, inference graph can now be extended with adding new nodes at arbitrary places, all without affecting the pipeline execution. This kind of flexibility was not possible with v1. This also allows multiple pipelines to share common nodes and therefore optimising resources usage.
More details and information on data-centric AI and data flow paradigm can be found in these resources:
Data-centric AI Resource Hub:
Stanford MLSys seminar "What can Data-Centric AI Learn from Data and ML Engineering?":
A paper that explores data flow in ML deployment context:
Introduction to flow based programming from its creator J.P. Morrison:
Pathways: Asynchronous Distributed Dataflow for ML (research work from Google on the design and implementation of data flow based orchestration layer for accelerators):
Better understanding of data requires tracking its history and context:
Seldon Core 2 uses a microservice architecture where each service has limited and well-defined responsibilities working together to orchestrate scalable and fault-tolerant ML serving and management. These components communicate internally using gRPC and they can be scaled independently. Seldon Core 2 services can be split into two categories:
Control Plane services are responsible for managing the operations and configurations of your ML models and workflows. This includes functionality to instantiate new inference servers, load models, update new versions of models, configure model experiments and pipelines, and expose endpoints that may receive inference requests. The main control plane component is the Scheduler that is responsible for managing the loading and unloading of resources (models, pipelines, experiments) onto the respective components.
Data Plane services are responsible for managing the flow of data between components or models. Core 2 supports REST and gRPC payloads that follow the Open Inference Protocol (OIP). The main data plane service is Envoy, which acts as a single ingress for all data plane load and routes data to the relevant servers internally (e.g. Seldon MLServer or NVidia Triton pods).
Note: Because Core 2 architecture separates control plane and data plane responsibilities, when control plane services are down (e.g. the Scheduler), data plane inference can still be served. In this manner the system is more resilient to failures. For example, an outage of control plane services does not impact the ability of the system to respond to end user traffic. Core 2 can be provisioned to be highly available on the data plane path.
The current set of services used in Seldon Core 2 is shown below. Following the diagram, we will describe each control plane and data plan service.
This service manages the loading and unloading of Models, Pipelines and Experiments on the relevant micro services. It is also responsible for matching Models with available Servers in a way that optimises infrastructure use. In the current design we can only have one instance of the Scheduler as its internal state is persisted on disk.
When the Scheduler (re)starts there is a synchronisation flow to coordinate the startup process and to attempt to wait for expected Model Servers to connect before proceeding with control plane operations. This is important so that ongoing data plane operations are not interrupted. This then introduces a delay on any control plane operations until the process has finished (including control plan resources status updates). This synchronisation process has a timeout, which has a default of 10 minutes. It can be changed by setting helm seldon-core-v2-components value scheduler.schedulerReadyTimeoutSeconds
This service manages the loading and unloading of models on a server and access to the server over REST/gRPC. It acts as a reverse proxy to connect end users with the actual Model Servers. In this way the system collects stats and metrics about data plane inferences that helps with observability and scaling.
We also provide a Kubernetes Operator to allow Kubernetes usage. This is implemented in the Controller Manager microservice, which manages CRD reconciliation with Scheduler. Currently Core 2 supports one instance of the Controller.
Note: All services besides the Controller are Kubernetes agnostic and can run locally, e.g. on Docker Compose.
This service handles REST/gRPC calls to Pipelines. It translates between synchronous requests to Kafka operations, producing a message on the relevant input topic for a Pipeline and consuming from the output topic to return inference results back to the users.
This service handles the flow of data from models to inference requests on servers and passes on the responses via Kafka.
This service handles the flow of data between components in a pipeline, using Kafka Streams. It enables Core 2 to chain and join Models together to provide complex Pipelines.
This service manages the proxying of requests to the correct servers including load balancing.
To support the movement towards data centric machine learning Seldon Core 2 follows a dataflow paradigm. By taking a decentralized route that focuses on the flow of data, users can have more flexibility and insight as they build and manage complex AI applications in production. This contrasts with more centralized orchestration approaches where data is secondary.
Kafka is used as the backbone for Pipelines allowing decentralized, synchronous and asynchronous usage. This enables Models to be connected together into arbitrary directed acyclic graphs. Models can be reused in different Pipelines. The flow of data between models is handled by the dataflow engine using Kafka Streams.
By focusing on the data we allow users to join various flows together using stream joining concepts as shown below.
We support several types of joins:
inner joins, where all inputs need to be present for a transaction to join the tensors passed through the Pipeline;
outer joins, where only a subset needs to be available during the join window
triggers, in which data flows need to wait until records on one or more trigger data flows appear. The data in these triggers is not passed onwards from the join.
These techniques allow users to create complex pipeline flows of data between machine learning components.
More discussion on the data flow view of machine learning and its effect on v2 design can be found here.