MLServer follows the Open Inference Protocol (previously known as the "V2 Protocol"). You can find the full OpenAPI spec for the Open Inference Protocol in the links below:
Open Inference Protocol
Main dataplane for inference, health and metadata
Model Repository Extension
Extension to the protocol to provide a control plane which lets you load / unload models dynamically
On top of the OpenAPI spec above, MLServer also autogenerates a Swagger UI which can be used to interact dynamycally with the Open Inference Protocol.
The autogenerated Swagger UI can be accessed under the /v2/docs
Besides the Swagger UI, you can also access the raw OpenAPI spec through the /v2/docs/dataplane.json
Alongside the general API documentation, MLServer will also autogenerate a Swagger UI tailored to individual models, showing the endpoints available for each one.
The model-specific autogenerated Swagger UI can be accessed under the following endpoints:
Besides the Swagger UI, you can also access the model-specific raw OpenAPI spec through the following endpoints: